Color Constancy for Three-Dimensional Objects

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Experiment 2, Subject UOS

Session summary data file (tab delimted text). See summary file format page for infomation on what is in this file.

Condition summary data file (tab delimited text). See summary file format page for infomation on what is in this file.

Achromatic points (pdf plot). The figure shows the achromatic points in the uv chromaticity diagram. Solid circles show data for the normal backgrounds, open circles show data for the equated backgrounds. Where visible, error bars show +/- one standard error. Crosses show illuminant chromaticities. Within each panel the color code is: Neutral illum -> black; Blue illum -> blue; Each panel is for one test object and condition. The test objects are grouped by column: Matte disk -> left; Matte sphere -> center; Glossy sphere: right. The plots in the first row show data for the matte contextual spheres and test luminance 5 cd/m2. The plots in the second row show data for the matte contextual spheres and test luminance 3 cd/m2. The plots in the third row show data for the glossy contextual spheres and test luminance 5 cd/m2. The solid yellow circle in the center of all but the upper left panel replots the Neutral illum achromatic point for the matte disk in the context of matte spheres at a test luminance of 5 cd/m2.

Constancy indices, matte contextual spheres, two test luminances (pdf plot). The figure shows the constancy indices for each test object. This plot shows the data for matte contextual spheres and both test luminances. Labels: Blue illuminant/normal background/5 cd/m2 test -> Blue 5; Blue illuminant/normal background/3 cd/m2 test -> Blue 3; Blue illuminant/equated background/5 cd/m2 test -> Eq Blue 5; Blue illuminant/equated background/3 cd/m2 test -> Eq Blue 3.

Constancy indices, matte and glossy contextual spheres, 5 cd/m2 test luminance (pdf plot). The figure shows the constancy indices for each test object. This plot shows the data for matte contextual spheres and glossy contextual spheres. Labels: Blue illuminant/normal background/matte contextual spheres -> Matte; Blue illuminant/normal background/glossy contextual spheres -> Glossy; Blue illuminant/equated background//matte contextual spheres-> Eq Matte; Blue illuminant/equated background/glossy contextual spheres -> Eq Glossy.

Rendering of equivalent illuminants (tiff image). The image shows patches that render the equivalent illuminant chromaticities for the 3 cd/m2 test conditions for this observer. Top row, matte disk. Middle row, matte sphere. Bottom row, glossy sphere. Left column, Blue illuminant/normal background. Right column, Blue illuminant/equated background.