Surface Gloss and Color Perception of 3D Objects

Supplemental Material


Experiment 1, Observer JMK

Tabulated data. This tab delimited text file provides data for this observer. There is a header row that gives the meaning of each column. In order, the columns specify the observer, material, test color, CIELAB L*, a*, b* coordinates of the first, second, and third matches in order, and the CIELAB L*, a*, b* coordinates of the test. Specified coordinates are those obtained by averaging over pixels.

CIELAB L*, a*, b* plot (PNG format) of data from this observer (Purple body color). Same format as comparable plots in the paper.

Transformed representation plot (PNG format) of data from this observer (Purple body color). Same format as comparable plots in the paper.

CIELAB L*, a*, b* plot (PNG format) of data from this observer (Yellow-Green body color). Same format as comparable plots in the paper.

Transformed representation plot (PNG format) of data from this observer (Yellow-Green body color). Same format as comparable plots in the paper.