Joint effects of illumination geometry and object shape in the perception of surface reflectance

Supplementary Material


Observer CDI

The following tab delimited text files provide data for observer CDI. CDI only ran one light field comparison, Grove/Kitchen. There are three files for this comparison: one for each change condition (change light field, change shape, change both).

Each file has a header row that indicates the contents of each column. From left to right, the columns contain the index for the reference light field (1=Grove, 2=Kitchen); the index for the reference shape (1=Blob, 2=Pepper); index for the match light field; index for the match shape; reference specular value; reference diffuse value; specular values of the two matches; the mean specular component match; standard error of the specular match; the diffuse component values of the two matches; the mean diffuse component match; and the standard error of the diffuse component matches.

The matches can also be viewed with the Matlab script ShowMatches.m which is in the same archive as the match images.

Data from the change light field condition for the Grove/Kitchen comparison.

Data from the change shape condition for the Grove/Kitchen comparison.

Data from the change both condition for the Grove/Kitchen comparison.


Last modified 8/29/2011