Data fits for highest ranked models of the Common Mechanism (CM), Independent Adaptation (IA) and Independent Channel (IC) variants

The rows of the table correspond to different the number of adaptation paramters and columns correcpond to the model variant. There were five possible adaptaion parameters: g, s, p, q and M as shown in the following equation:

where R is the response of the mechanisms. In the Common Mechanism (CM) variant, both the fixed and adaptation parameters have the same values for appearance and discrimination. In the Independent Adaptation (IA) variant, the fixed parameters are held common for the two tasks but the adaptation parameters are allowed to vary separately for appearance and discrimination. In the Independent Channels (IC) variant, both fixed and adaptation parameters vary with judgment. That is, the fixed parameters are allowed to be different for discrimination and appearance judgements but do not vary with context while the adaptation parameters vary with both context and type of judgement. The left and middle panels of each figure show the discrimination results for the test presented "outside" and "inside" of the "shadowed" region (the left and right hand side respectively of the image on the previous page) . The right panel shows results for the asymmetric matching task. Open and closed symbols represent matches where the adjustable match was, respectively, "outside" and "inside" of the "shadowed" region. (Back to main supplemental figure page)


Common Mechanism
Independent Adaptation

Independent Channels